The Dos and Don’ts For Picking a Wedding Venue

The time between the proposal and the wedding feels like a calm before the storm for newly engaged couples. Right after the post-proposal glow comes the anxiety that goes into planning a wedding. As the engaged couple, you have to ask yourselves when it will be, what food will be served, who is invited, and many more questions that only proceed to pile up. A large concern for you is the wedding venue. Before saying “I Do,” here are the dos and don’ts of picking a wedding venue.
Don’t: Stretch Your Budget
Select a wedding venue that fits perfectly in the budget. Do not allow the venue to take over the entire budget. Ensure there is enough left in the budget for other services and needs.
Do: Be Realistic
Not everyone can be married in a luxurious castle. Take a long, hard look at the budget, then list the types of venues that comply with your expectations and standards.
Don’t: Be Strict With Dates
Rather than picking one or two singular dates, map out a timeline of your availability. Start the timeline for a year from now to provide ample amount of time for planning. This also works for when venues do not have any immediate openings until another year in the future.
Do: Maximize on Wedding Packages
Gain more for your buck by picking a venue that provides wonderful wedding packages. For example, wedding packages in Miami will include the food, the decorations, transportation, and many more incredible things.
Don’t: Fill to Capacity
Be sure to have an idea of how many guests will be attending. A mistake some couples make is booking a venue before knowing the number of guests. You do not need to have an exact number, but a range. Ensure there is enough space at the venue for all the guests.
Do: Trust Your Gut
If you are feeling uneasy about a certain venue, it is not the pre-wedding nerves. Trust what you are sensing when you are touring wedding venues in Miami. When you find the perfect venue that checks off all of your boxes, then you will know.