How to Make a Sweet Sixteen even Sweeter

Turning sixteen is one of the many big birthdays in a person’s life. A birthday as special as this one deserves a fabulous sweet sixteen party no one can forget. Making a sweet sixteen party as incredible as possible does not require a lot of effort, but a combination of great ideas. While searching for ballrooms in Miami to host this party, note these sweet sixteen ideas to making this party a success.
Candy and Other Treats
Every birthday party has delicious desserts, and there is no sweet sixteen without the sweet treats. Instead of going for the normal big birthday cake, be unique with what desserts are given out at the party. Set up an elaborate candy display for guests to choose their favorite sweets. Another idea is making a custom cupcake bar for guests to decorate their own cupcakes.
Disposable Camera for More Memories
Make the night more memorable by handing out disposable cameras to every guest. Throughout the party, they will take pictures of everything happening. At the end, have them return the cameras back before they leave. Take all the cameras and develop the pictures they took during the party. Use these photos to create a memorable photo album as a party favor for the guests.
Classic Themes
Do not be afraid to plan a sweet sixteen party around a fun theme. Themes help make the party planning easier. After booking one of those ballrooms in Miami, find a theme that works for the occasion. Some classic sweet sixteen themes include a tropical oasis, favorite movies, pajama party, and decade theme. There are many more ideas for themes, but do not shy away from the ones believed to have been done too many times before.
Activities for All the Guests
Choose activities all guests will want to participate in. Play around with ideas that match the theme chosen for the party. This is another reason why themes are important because they simplify the decision process for picking activities. Numerous activities do not need to be selected, but pick a few that are guaranteed to amaze all the guests.