Four Ways to Make Your Wedding Greener

Think about the weddings that you’ve attended as a guest in the past. Most likely, they were not very eco-friendly. After all, a wedding is the most significant day of someone’s life, so remembering to recycle and saving energy isn’t always the priority. However, going green is more important than ever before. Luckily, it is possible to be eco-friendly without a major sacrifice to style. We’ve put together a list of four tips that will help you host a greener wedding.
Ditch the Disposables — While disposable plates, forks and cups may be convenient, they certainly do nothing to help keep the earth clean. Choosing to use glass dishes and real silverware will help you do your part, and it will elevate the style of your wedding to a whole other level.
Blow Bubbles — Instead of throwing confetti, which can be harmful to the environment, or rice, which can be harmful to birds, why not just blow bubbles at the couple when they’re leaving the church? This is a much more earth-friendly way to celebrate a new union.
Consider E-vites — While you may want to use traditional paper invitations for the main event, why not use e-vites for things such as the shower or the save-the-date notification? You’ll save paper and likely money too.
Cut Back on Gifts — Many of the items traditionally given as wedding gifts are unnecessary for a couple today. Perhaps the couple has already been living together or each person has collected household items while living alone. If a couple is so inclined, requesting no gifts, or putting something such as a gift card on the registry may make more sense from a practical standpoint as well as an ecological one. Plus, it will help prevent the massive pile of wrapping paper that occurs at opening time.
It is possible to reduce the waste in the average wedding without a noticeable effect on the style. Look at all the little changes you can make that will show your guests that you put the needs of the earth above your own.