Old, New, Borrowed and Blue: New Twists on an Old Wedding Tradition

Most everyone has heard the saying, “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue,” and most know it’s supposed to be good luck to incorporate all four into your wedding attire in some way. Not sure how to do it? Here are some ideas.
Something Old
“Something old” and “something blue” were, according to English folklore, intended to battle the Evil Eye! Today, the “old” is usually used to honor a relative on either the bride’s or groom’s side of the family. Consider wearing the veil or gloves worn by your mom or grandmother, or incorporate wedding charms into your bouquet, featuring pictures of family members you want to honor.
Something New
For many brides, this is the gown, the shoes, or the veil. But you might also consider buying a locket, filling it with pictures of you and your husband-to-be, and wearing it near your heart or wrapping it around your bouquet. Or slip in photos of your parents, and then it can serve as your “something old” and “something new.”
Something Borrowed
According to tradition – really old tradition – wearing the underwear of a fertile woman was supposed to help ensure lots of children for the new bride. For less skeevy options, borrow a piece of jewelry from your mother, grandmother, maid of honor, or mother-in-law-to-be (brownie points!). Or slip on your dad’s or grandfather’s watch for a memorable and sentimental statement.
Something Blue
Blue represents fidelity, and traditionalists will choose a blue garter. But you can also wear blue pumps or paint your nails blue, or add a spray of blue flowers to your bouquet. For a subtler touch, consider carrying a handkerchief with blue lace or your new initials embroidered in blue.
The last line of the rhyme – “And a sixpence in your shoe” – is often overlooked, but it’s a tradition meant to bring wealth to the new couple. If those wedding bills are adding up, it’s a tradition that just might be worth trying!