Italian Winery Pops Fermentation Tank, Spills 8,000 Gallons Of Prosecco

About 48% of couples research wedding venues online. A laborious process, there are lots of factors to consider. In fact, one of the greatest expenses of a wedding is the alcoholic beverages. We’ll toast to that.
Perhaps a prosecco toast? What about 8,000 gallons worth?
Tragedy struck an Italian winery last week. At L’enoteca Zanardo Giussano in Italy, a grave error was made. One of the fermentation tanks was overfilled, causing the top to explode under pressure. In the process, over 8,000 gallons of prosecco was spilled. Most prosecco bottles are 750 milliliters, so they lost somewhere around 40,000 bottles of prosecco in mere minutes.
There’s a short video that’s been circulating social media showing the prosecco unceasingly bursting from the top of the fermentation silo, while the person taking the video is standing in ankle deep prosecco. The video has been viewed more than a million times, causing a great outcry — both sad and humorous — from people around the world offering their services to help clean up the mess.
“I’d be stood underneath with my mouth open and a bucket to catch it and take it home,” one commenter said.
Sadly, no one will be drinking all that wasted prosecco. Officials are still investigating whether the silo was overfilled or the top malfunctioned over time. Still, that’s a bottle pop no one at the winery ever wished to see.
Looking on the bright side, across Europe the grape harvest has been the best it’s been in a long time. Plus, demand for prosecco is high, especially in the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom. Economic influences aside, that little spill would certainly make for a difficult cleanup.
Think to your own toast now. You certainly don’t need to be looking out for massive accidents like that, but wedding planning is fraught with variables that need to be addressed. The best catering services, unique wedding venues, and just knowing what to look for can be a lot to digest.
Breathe. Sip some prosecco and leave the planning, catering, and details to us. We’re here to make this process as smooth as possible. That way, when your day comes, there won’t be prosecco disasters, only prosecco delights.